Thursday, March 31

danish rocking chair 2.0

remember this beautiful chair?
when we made the move, we asked weston's grandma if we could borrow a couple of pieces of furniture.  when we asked about this rocking chair, she said i could have it!  we love this chair - maybe you don't - but we absolutely do :)  to spruce things up a bit, and having the bug to reupholster as i did the blue chair, i kept the ball rolling and tackled this one.  since there was no re-upholstery involved, just recovering the old cushions, it took me a few hours and we were looking at a brand new chair!

and thanks to weston's mad photo skillz, here is the new pair

Wednesday, March 30

new post

it has been far too long - FAR too long - since i've had a post on the old blog.  i have been feeling guilty every morning as i come here to look at my blog roll and read others' posts.  while i love the two photos hanging (kate and beth) i feel bad every time because it just reminds me of the many things that have been happening that i have not been documenting - here or here.  oh well is all i can say.  while i can't promise to be "back" i can promise to give it a more valiant effort!  please keep reading :)  the comments validate me (even when there is only 1...)


Thursday, March 3

in the meantime

weston is out of town for the next couple of days and his camera is with him... otherwise i would have a couple of posts here about some projects i have worked on lately.  and because i'm knee-deep in boxes around here, the posting has suffered on the old blog.

i'm feeling guilty enough that i rounded up a couple photos for your enjoyment: