Wednesday, March 30

new post

it has been far too long - FAR too long - since i've had a post on the old blog.  i have been feeling guilty every morning as i come here to look at my blog roll and read others' posts.  while i love the two photos hanging (kate and beth) i feel bad every time because it just reminds me of the many things that have been happening that i have not been documenting - here or here.  oh well is all i can say.  while i can't promise to be "back" i can promise to give it a more valiant effort!  please keep reading :)  the comments validate me (even when there is only 1...)


3 quick quips:

Whitney Hardie said...

I feel you here. Blogging is so much like journal keeping in this instance - when I'm on a roll I just go and go.

Then I don't do it for a while, it becomes overwhelming and BAM - it's been 2 years since I wrote anything.

Just put anything up - it will get the juices flowing. It doesn't have to be perfect. I really look forward to your posts.

Michelle said...

I miss your posts! I'm one to talk. I've been thinking about doing a post forever and for some reason I just don't get around to it. I can't wait to see your new house and see pics of your growing kids.I'll do it if you do it:)

Natalie said...

Well, it's not like you've been BUSY or anything! Seriously though, I know how it is to not get around to posting anything, but wishing you did. Happy to see you blogging!