Friday, September 7


A couple weeks ago, Cory invited Weston to play on his softball team to fill an empty spot. I'm sure Weston was a little nervous, although maybe he wouldn't admit that to anyone, because he hasn't played baseball, let alone softball, in well over 4 or 5 years. I told him it would be like riding a bike and that his natural athleticism would spring back into action :) He had a really good time and I loved watching him play again. That was my favorite sport to watch him play in high school - the only one I could understand! Here is a shot of Weston at bat. Here is Cory getting another good hit, too. Here is an adorable shot of Zoe at the game. What a cutie :)

1 quick quips:

Dunn Family said...

Those are good pics Erin, you should do photography too! Hey, lets get together soon and hang out. We are finally feeling like we are put together!