Saturday, April 12

tagged by danae

4 Jobs I have had:
Pizza delivery driver (go Lotsa Motsa!)
Ice cream dispenser
Human Resources (trainer)
Loan Processor

4 TV Shows I watch:
The Hills
America's Next Top Model
American Idol
The O.C. or Dawson's Creek (DVDs)

4 Places I have been:
(not a big traveler)
Canada (too little to remember much more than a few images)
As far east as Kansas (other than living in Maine - again too little to remember more than a dozen things)
The routes between Utah and Denver and Utah and California

4 People that email me:
Erin (not me)

4 of my favorite foods:
Cafe Rio Pork Salad
Chinese (South China's sesame chicken)
Restaurant salads (Cobb, Asian, Chicken)
Burger King french fries

4 Friends I Tag:
Sarah (she's probably the only one who will do this)

4 things I am looking forward to in 2008:
Weston being down to ONE semester (at the end of 2008) :)
At least ONE trip this summer (it might just be once and to Denver)
Kate's first holidays (Thanksgiving and Christmas)
Baby Isabella (it WILL be a girl! here's hoping anyway) being born this fall

3 quick quips:

Johanna said...

Hey this is spencer,
Weston, uhh this is random but one of my friends is looking for a camera and wanted to know of a good camera around 500 dollars that will take good pictures. Um if you could give me a link to a good camera that would be great. I got a new site, so post a comment here instead of my other blog.

By the way if you want to change the link to my blog to that, that would be awesome

Cynthia said...

Yes! send positive thoughts for a baby girl! We are finding out on the 22nd. By the way when you tagged me I never get anything. How do I found it?

the coltons said...

cynthia - just copy the list from my post and paste it into a new post on your blog - then answer the questions ... sorry i didn't put the instructions on here :)