so kristi gave kate this cute t-shirt right after she was born. kristi then asked me a few times when i was going to put her in it and take a picture. well, the tag says 6mo and here is kate FINALLY wearing it ... at 14mo for anyone not counting.
Tuesday, March 31
wassup rockers!
scribbled by the coltons at 5:37 PM 5 quick quips
kate got a haircut
so i realize my daughter doesn't really have a lot of hair - why would i ever think of cutting it? i really wish i had a better picture, but here is my reason: the baby mulleti know, it's not a very good picture - you can hardly tell she has a mullet, but let me assure you - it is there. full force.
so i sat kate down in her bumbo, tried sticking a piece of tape to her hair (to catch it for the baby book i have sorely neglected since about month 2), but that didn't work AT ALL. so i sandwiched the hair between my 2 fingers and snipped away! see? i even left it "long" :) i think it looks MUCH better and hopefully i can still do some cute pig tails. even if it's too short for those right now, it won't be long before the bottom outgrows the rest again!
scribbled by the coltons at 5:32 PM 1 quick quips
my boring life
i have been feeling for at least a week that i need to post something. i don't know why i felt the pressure, maybe because i hate when people go for weeks without posting to their blogs :)
i have tried to think of things to blog about, but nothing really comes to mind. i guess i could use the old standby topics: things i have made or posts about kate, or a combo of the 2.
but i feel like everyone is probably so sick of seeing those things! but then i stop and think i don't get sick of seeing those things on others' blogs. i am a nerd.
so, here comes a post about my kid :)
scribbled by the coltons at 5:30 PM 1 quick quips
Friday, March 20
happy friday!
don't you just love fridays? even on thursday nights i always think, i can do one more day. it's like i get this burst of energy on thursday evenings because i know friday is coming and then the glorious weekend.
i am typing this, listening to kate in her crib in the next room. she is putting a smile on my face and causing silent bursts of laughter. i wish we had a video monitor in her room, she's a crack up. like now, she's in there by herself, chatting away, singing "whoa, whoa, whoa" over and over again. aren't your own kids the most amazing things? everyone feels that way, or at least everyone should. i know i do.
there are so many things on my list right now, why is it that i don't want to do any of them? why is it that i'm thinking, instead of doing laundry and cleaning the horrific kitchen, of getting out the patterns and fabric for kate's slew of spring/summer dresses? i have made 3 and have 4 more to go. it is so much fun sewing for my daughter - my mom always assured me it would be. so, i'm sure as i wrap up my blogging time, instead of breaking out the yellow rubber gloves and diving into the disaster area, i will instead deny the mess and pull out the old sewing machine :) trusty elna, how i love her :)
have you done your taxes yet? i'm sure the answer is yes. we just finished ours and i guess it pays to be poor - we are getting it all back. 100% baby. it's bittersweet - i'm glad we get all of our refunds but i sure wish we had a higher AGI this year :) i guess there's always next year!
that is all. i'm off to enjoy the start to that glorious weekend! which, if you were wondering, is really extending through the next weekend. weston is going to nyc for his "field trip" (who goes to ny for a week for school???) so i get to ditch my 20 hours of part-time work to go spend the week with my parents. gotta love another break!
scribbled by the coltons at 4:39 PM 3 quick quips
Thursday, March 19
And some Cottle kids...
I couldn't resist the wondeful light coming into the kitchen from the window. I wish all the other cousins were there Sunday afternoon for a cookie and a portrait.
scribbled by the coltons at 12:51 AM 3 quick quips
Spring has sprung...and so has allergy season
These were my eyes last night. Notice the one on the would not stop watering all day. Spring is great and all, but allergies are not fun at all. Sadly, Kate had a runny nose and watery eyes all day too. I hope she didn't get all the Colton allergy genes.
scribbled by the coltons at 12:48 AM 3 quick quips
Tuesday, March 17
we heart utah, the good news is that we are not moving yet. the bad news is that we don't get to have our grand getaway adventure yet, either.
weston got a job offer in salt lake city and we feel that it was a huge blessing that completely fell in our laps. he didn't even look for work here and we feel this is the best thing for our family right now.
(i'm kind of stealing his thunder here, so he'll have to post later and fill in all the details)
for now, that's our news!
scribbled by the coltons at 11:04 PM 5 quick quips
facebook killed the blogging star
okay, so i'm singing that "video killed the radio star" song in my head - it's totally true. facebook is killing the blogosphere, one blog at a time. what is with the surge in facebookers? i mean, sure, people still have their blogs, but they are forsaking them to update their facebook status and see what everyone and their friends are doing at the moment. is it really that cool? i know some people swear by facebook and the addiction it serves, but i just don't get it. i'm more into the narrative that a blog post provides versus "Erin Cottle Colton is wasting time on Facebook."
what am i missing???
a call to arms, people!!! don't forsake your blogs any more!!!! start posting again, include pictures, be hilarious, show off your kids/cooking/sewing/etc. i want to see it!!!
scribbled by the coltons at 3:53 PM 8 quick quips
Thursday, March 5
happy happy birthday, weston dear
happy things will come to you all year! :)
sorry, couldn't is weston's 29th birthday! it's your last year in your 20's, baby! i am so proud of you and all that you have accomplished. i think my favorite thing to watch you do this last year, the year of 28, is to be a dad. you are a great father - one of the best. you are so kind and patient with kate - that is my favorite thing of this year.
you are such a great friend of mine, weston. i feel like 13 years has let me know everything about you, from head to toe, inside and out. but then you go and teach me something new about you, at least once a day. i love your passion for things, i love your drive and your commitment to things, i love watching you work.
thank you for letting me be a part of your life and letting me be the one to grow old with you. i never wanted another.
happy birthday, love!
scribbled by the coltons at 10:39 AM 3 quick quips
Wednesday, March 4
100 truths
The following is lengthy, so you've been warned. Some of these things are always the same, so maybe you won't learn anything about me, but you might find a surprise or 2 :)
1. Real name: Erin Colton
2. Nickname: i never had one, unless you count the following oldies but goodies: bobby, eddie, and urine kettle (thanks to kristi's dad)
3. Status: happily married
4. Zodiac sign: virgo/libra - i was born on the cusp so i get both
5. Male or female: female
6. Elementary: sunset hills - go seagulls!
7. Middle School : black mountain middle school and south sevier middle school
8. High School: south sevier high school
9. College: utah valley state college
10. Hair color: dark brown
11. Long or short: currently short
12. Loud or Quiet: not sure what this means, i guess overall i'm quiet
13. Sweats or Jeans: jeans
14. Phone or Camera: definitely camera, i hate talking on the phone!
15. Health freak: not so much, i think deep down i am, but i like junk food too much
16. Drink or Smoke: neither
17. Do you have a crush on someone: yes, had the same crush since 1996
18. Eat or Drink: ??? would i rather? eat
19. Piercings: just my ears
20. Tattoos: nope
21. Music: yes please - although i'm not obsessive about it like my husband
22. Comedies or Horror: comedy
23. First piercing: when i was 9, how embarrassing for my mother, i had a complete meltdown in the department store at the mall (north county fair, natalie?) until she gave in and let me get them pierced. i think i was supposed to wait until i was 10 or maybe 12?
24. First best friend: colleen cleary
25. First award: citizen of the month in 2nd grade
26. First crush: ryan cleary
27. First Boyfriend/Girlfriend: reny hicks
28. First pet: smoky the cat
29. First big vacation: we always went to utah every summer growing up
30. First big birthday: i don't know about "big" birthdays, but the first one i clearly remember is #6
31. First Car: 86 chevy nova - LOVED that car, stick shift and all
32. First Favorite Song: this is embarrassing - no matter what by george lamond and brenda k. starr
33. First phone: my clear phone! i loved this phone, got it for my 9th bday and used it until i was probably 20
34. First Surgery: kate's birth, via c-section
35. First time on an Airplane: i was probably 3-4, maine to utah
36. Phone Call: weston
38. Text Message: hollie seagle
39. Song you listened to: thwart-o-five by chemystry set
40. Time you cried: wow - i can't remember for sure!!! wait, there it is, 2 Fridays ago ... 2/20 that's pretty good for me :) then again, i am crazy (that's for weston)
41. Getting on your nerves: being at work with NOTHING to do... and having 1.5 hours left
42. TV: weston's home, so it's probably on mtv hits
43. Drinking: water
44. Hair: short, brown w/ a hint of the old red
45. Wearing: jeans, t-shirt, light jacket, red jelly flats
46. Eating: chewing gum
47. With: my desk, my phone, my computer, you get the idea
48. I'm about to: waste another hour or so at work
49. Listening to: level anything by sebadoh
50. Plans for today: yes, i just consulted my planner, looks like make visiting teaching calls for appointments, clean the kitchen, take out the trash, hang out with my family
51. Want kids: have one, want 2-3 more (of course i say that right now)
52. Want to get married: already have the husband i always wanted and had the dream wedding i always wanted
53. Careers in mind: mom
54. Place of Residency: who knows??? i know, boring answer
55. Car or Truck: car
56. Shorter or taller: taller
57. Romantic or spontaneous: i think natalie was right, a mix of both
58. Sensitive or loud: i can't stand loud, i'm not a fan of too sensitive, but definitely not loud
59. Serious relationship or casual dates: i'm in it for the serious relationship
60. Trouble maker or hesitant: probably in the middle, leaning toward trouble maker
61. No one knows what 61 is supposed to be.
63: Ran away from home: nope, but i was on my way out in 5th grade, remember mom? :)
64: Hold a gun/knife for self defense: nope
65: Killed somebody: definite nope
66: Broken someones heart: yes, sorry about that
67: Been arrested: nope
68: Cried when someone died: absolutely, even my cats
69: Kissed a stranger: yes
70: Had someone ask you out and you said no: not directly, more like, "yeah, we should definitely hang out" .... and then avoided him.
71: Laughed until you cried: of course, although i can't remember when
72: Met someone who changed your life: yes
73: Fallen in love: every morning when i wake up
74. Found out someone was talking about you: yes
75. Been Cheated on: nope
76. Cheated on anyone: nope
77. Lost someone special: yes
78. Broken a bone: nope
79. Yourself: i do
80. Miracles: i do
81. Love at first sight: i guess
82. Heaven: i do
83. Santa Claus: i do
84. Holding Hands on the first date: i guess
85. Kiss on the first date: i guess
86. Righty or Lefty: righty
87. Last time you saw your Dad: a week ago
88. Do you like the snow: yes
89. Whats your favorite season: fall, but spring is a very close 2nd
90. Can you swim: i can
91. Ridden a horse: i have
92. Ridden a bike: absolutely
93. Photogenic: i've been told i am
94. Have siblings: yes
95. Beach or Mountains: beach, baby
96. Hot or Cold: hot, i am always cold, even in the middle of the summer
97. Is there one person you want to be with right now: most definitely
98. Are you seriously happy with where you are in life: i am
99. Do you believe in God: most definitely, and he believes in me, too :)
100. Post as 100 truths and tag at least 5 people: i tag danae, cynthia, johanna, sarah, kristi g, and anyone else that wants to.
you made it!!!
scribbled by the coltons at 1:19 PM 5 quick quips
Sunday, March 1
Kate dirty
Kate puked on herself while on a drive to Provo with Erin. That means she had to sit in it for a good 15 minutes before she could get a little cleaned off. Poor kid. She didn't seem to mind much, however. I managed to make it through it without puking myself, which is a feat.
scribbled by the coltons at 8:28 PM 4 quick quips