Tuesday, March 31

kate got a haircut

so i realize my daughter doesn't really have a lot of hair - why would i ever think of cutting it? i really wish i had a better picture, but here is my reason: the baby mulleti know, it's not a very good picture - you can hardly tell she has a mullet, but let me assure you - it is there. full force.

so i sat kate down in her bumbo, tried sticking a piece of tape to her hair (to catch it for the baby book i have sorely neglected since about month 2), but that didn't work AT ALL. so i sandwiched the hair between my 2 fingers and snipped away! see? i even left it "long" :) i think it looks MUCH better and hopefully i can still do some cute pig tails. even if it's too short for those right now, it won't be long before the bottom outgrows the rest again!

1 quick quips:

Sarah said...

Her hair is so cute. It's amazing what a difference it's make when you cut the mullet off. I remember I resisted for so long with Jane cause of course you want them to have hair. Then I realized I was just holding on to her looking ridiculous. When it finally got it cut off she looked so cute and I regretted waiting so long to do it. It will grow out in no time.