Tuesday, July 7


i think we may have done it! kate has said goodbye to her "uh-oh" ... translation: pacifier. on sunday, we were driving home from monroe and kate kept playing the game of crying for her uh-oh and then after a minute of sucking on it, dropping it to the bottom of the car again. i got tired of it and told her it was all gone.

when we got her ready for bed that night, i decided to continue with the theme. i put her down and she made zero peeps about her uh-oh. so yesterday i put her down for bed all three times without it. she is more aware of missing her uh-oh during naptime but at night has forgotten about it completely.

are we really free of the pacifiers? we had given ourselves a timeline of 18 months which is 4 weeks away. my only fear now is church - i guess we will need to be prepared to be without her uh-oh for silencing purposes, too :)

2 quick quips:

Johanna said...

good for you! (or good for Kate!) good luck on the church front!

pamc said...

Wow, how quick and dirty was that. I am impressed and proud of Kate. Give her a big hug from Grandma Cottle.