Wednesday, December 22

december 20 & 21

december 20th was take treats to a friend.  we packed up the girls and a bag of goodies and went to visit grandpa colton.  it was fun to be in his home, introduce him to beth, and listen to stories about growing up and his career. 

december 21st was "go to a local christmas activity" but since we had all of this snow, we built a snowman!  i said it on facebook, but i'll say it here again: the weather-folks forecast this week to be warm and rainy and we have gotten snow and more snow (yay!).  but for the "blizzard of the century" during thanksgiving, we only accumulated about 3 inches...  go figure.  anyway, i'm thrilled they were all wrong because it has given us a (hopefully) white christmas... if it will just stay cold enough to keep the snow on the ground.

 oh, and in other exciting news, i shoveled snow for the first time in my life.  man, all you young men and priesthood leaders - thanks for shoveling for all the widows and older folks all the time!  what a job!  i had no idea how exhausting it is - especially with the type of snow we've had.  i shoveled out our little driveway, plus both stairways on either side of the house.  i was quite proud of myself :)

4 quick quips:

Johanna said...

So lucky you guys got snow! We've had nothing really this year and right now it is in the 60's and just brown, brown. Love the snowman too - very professional!

Heidi said...

How in the world did you get such a perfect looking snowman?!?

Chelsea said...

That is the prettiest, most perfect snowman I have ever seen. Kate is such a cute little girl, and her mittens are darling.

Three Peas said...

Wow, never shoveled snow before??? I actually really like shoveling most of the time. I think I like being in the cold while I'm doing something semi-active. I love the pics of Kate eating the snow! She really looks like she's having a great time. She's growing up to be a little looker. :)