Sunday, February 3

s-s-h-s s-e-n-s-a-t-i-o-n-s to-the-top!

so that was our cheer when i was a sensation in high school. for those of you who don't know, i was on the drill team for 4 years and loved every second of it.

can you find me?

no matter how hard we tried, each year we came out with a 3rd place at the state competition. it's now been 11 seasons since my last 3rd place year and i witnessed greatness yesterday! :)

i should mention that one of my friends in HS, Shauna, took over the team several years ago and our coach in HS, Larisa, is now her assistant. clearly, they make a fabulous te
am because last year the sensations FINALLY took 1st place in the state championship - the news was amazing for all of us alumni :) they had a year in review and invited all the alumni to come and participate - it was a super fun evening reliving the old glory days :)

so yesterday, being hugely pregnant and all, i met some friends and we sat through the days' events, including dozens of military, dance, and novelty routines. i wasn't sure if i wanted to make the day 12 hours long and stay for the awards, but it kept feeling "right around the corner" so i stuck it out. GOOD THING!!!

the results:

the girls got a 2nd place in military with millard (grrrr....) getting 1st. next was dance - millard got 2nd (yay!) and sshs got 1st (bigger yay!!!) my friend, tiffany, and i were going nuts - so far we were tied with millard and there was only one
category left - novelty. millard had a good routine but it was pretty much identical to manti's (strangely identical). our routine was amazing {of course} but you never know how the judges will score things .... the tension was crazy thick! :) the biggest shock was when 3rd place was announced for novelty - going to millard ... which meant even if sshs got 2nd place {yeah right} we would still win - millard couldn't win with a 1st, 2nd, and 3rd ... it was in the bag! 1st place went to the sensations and we knew it was a back to back victory! here is a picture of the humble sensations trying to hold in their excitement when they realized what was ahead :)it was amazing to see the win for shauna and larisa - what a fantastic saturday. i'm so happy for you guys and your team and all the hard hard work that goes into every day and every practice! you guys deserve it!!!

0 quick quips: