Saturday, January 1

after christmas hangover

it's been awhile since christmas was here and we are kind of still recovering :)  kate is loving all of her new toys

and beth is just loving her life.
she is such a happy, easy baby and really only cries when she's hungry (or teething, as i've discovered).  we l.o.v.e. this beautiful little girl.
it's always amazing how you kind of forget how life felt before having children, whether it be your first child or, as in my case, your second.  how did it feel when it was just you, me, and kate?  was it really just the 3 of us?  of course it was - we were all there.  remember it was just the 3 of us when we went to strawberry days, or to the movies, or to colorado?  it's not like you can't remember life back then, it's just hard to remember what it felt like - before beth was with us everywhere we go.  deep thoughts...

either way, we love her and are beyond thrilled she's ours! 
one of my resolutions (i hate to even use the word resolution because i feel like it's setting me up for failure) is to take more photos of our #2.  she has already felt the snubbing that comes with being a child after "the first" - you know "the first" - the one photographed doing anything and everything.  any child after "the first" gets photos on birthdays and christmases...  poor kids ;)  

wish me luck!

2 quick quips:

Brett and Shireen Olsen said...

You guys have rediculously cute kids. So glad to see so many of sweet little Beth - also glad she's such a good baby for you!

Natalie said...

Look at those big eyes! I dare say they must be yours. She is lovely.

I wonder about what it's gonna be like with baby no. 2 ALL THE TIME. Can our house get any more thrashed in less than ten seconds? Is the next baby going to be easy or hard? Am I going to freak out? I guess you just adapt and you said, it's kind of like it was always that way.