Wednesday, December 9

december 6 and 7

december 6th we got to make a christmas craft. here is kate's christmas tree kate's hand inspired the tree needles and i let her decorate her tree with all the ornaments. it was fun because she actually understood what to do and had fun with it. this age is awesome! except when that pesky power struggle rears its ugly head :)december 7th kate got to write a letter to Santa. i realize she is not even 2 and obviously can't write, so we improvised and i helped her as she held her crayon.i asked her what she wanted santa to bring her. the response i got was a look of wonder. since the concept is still new (santa and presents) i asked if she wanted a new toy. she understood that! i asked if she wanted a new dolly - big nods followed. what a cute girl :)

2 quick quips:

Cynthia said...

Kate is just sooo stinking cute! I loved santa's letter. Alex wrote his on monday and we took it to "santa's mail box" at Maceys. He thought it was soo cool.

pamc said...

I love the craft and how fun to have Kate old enough to do these things already. Hope you all are feeling healthy and happy. Mom