Thursday, December 10

december 8 and 9

december 8th's activity was to go to a local christmas activity. we didn't really plan ahead for this one, so we got kate's flu shot (local christmas activity, right?), ate dinner, and ended up driving around for awhile looking at christmas lights on the houses. it was a great night.

december 9th was read a christmas story. kate and i read mr. finnigan's giving chest. her favorite part was me doing weird voices for the characters. how embarrassing :) it was a really cute story - i'm such a sucker that i totally choked up reading the last few pages and could hardly say the words aloud. kate noticed right away and asked, "mama sad?" what a sweet heart :)

1 quick quips:

Johanna said...

I'm so impressed that you are doing Christmas things each day with your family. We read a Christmas story for FHE and that's the extent of our daily Christmas activities.