Wednesday, April 27

the girl's room: green wall

does anyone out there have their children share rooms?  i don't mean to sound pretentious ... that's the only way that question sounds.  we were just talking about this awhile ago and it seems like you don't hear about kids sharing rooms much anymore.  i'm sure i'm wrong... 

anyway, while they can fit, kate and beth will be sharing a room.  i wanted something visually interesting in their room and after searching online for ideas, i came across using tones of a color and blocking out a wall.
easy - tape it up and fill in.  i used 5 colors and bought the little sample size jars (if you look closely, you can see them on top of the dresser).  i had plenty of paint for a wall this size and the painting only took an hour or two - not bad.

kate with beth in a choke hold... oh boy.

8 quick quips:

... said...

Yep, my kids share a room as well. A girl and a boy. People have told me i'm weird for that. To me it doesn't matter til they get older. I love the paint you did in their room. It is so cute and looks really easy to do. I might have to steal the idea.

Heidi said...

That looks awesome! Especially with the wainscoting underneath.

Johanna said...

The wall looks great! Very interesting to look at and fun.

Ben and Shara said...

so fun. I love the paint and the bead board. So cute.

p.s. I have three kids in a room.

Marshall and Rose Lowry said...

I love their room! You did a great job!

Kristen Weller said...

That is pretty much awesome. I know what I'm having Steve do this summer. :)

Cynthia said...

I love the wall and I love that you are on a posting roll ;)

Jory Dayne said...

WHOA. That looks so rad!