Monday, May 19

happy birthday sarah

sarah is my sister-in-law. sarah turned 27 (i think!) today. i've known sarah for 9 years now - i remember the very first time i saw her i was visiting weston in st. george. we were all at andrew's dirty apartment and she offered me a swimming suit so i could sit in the hot tub with them. this is how sarah has been ever since - very generous and thoughtful of others. when sarah got home from her mission, we spent quite a bit of time together (considering she lived in ogden and i lived in orem) but we would always talk about how much she loved my little brother and wanted to marry him. i remember when she bought the subaru and i told her andrew would love it :) sarah, i'm so glad we are sisters and i'm so glad the boys were wrong in our "who's most likely to . . . " game :) haha
happy birthday!

1 quick quips:

Sarah said...

Thanks Erin! I'm so glad that you are my sister. I wish we could have hung more while you were out. Hopefully you guys will find sometime this summer to both come out.