Wednesday, April 15

don't get dressed in the dark

or don't buy 2 pairs of the same shoes, i guess.

i was at work for about an hour when i looked down and saw this:
sure, it looks like i just have 1 dirty shoe and one clean one. not so. i am actually wearing 2 different shoes.

i fell in love with these shoes last spring and, when i wore them just about every day, i decided to go back to the store and see if i could buy another pair to keep nice and clean for sundays and skirts.

on my left, you see the nice clean shoe from pair #2 and on the right, you see the dusty, dirty shoe from pair #1.

at least it wasn't too noticeable - i really hope!

5 quick quips:

Sarah said...

That is hilarious.

Heidi said...

That is so funny! :D

Brynn said...

lolol that is funny and cute. I have another friend who awhile back ago blogged about her husband doing the same thing in the dark -I laughed at that too.

Ben and Shara said...

what a great day!! I would have laughed the whole rest of the day. I love silly moments like those.

Yeah for fantastic shoes!!

Natalie said...

That is so funny and reminding me of going to work with my shirt inside out the other day. Except I got dressed in full light! I love those shoes of yours too.